The Silicon Valley wave: Prime Minister Modi embraced

PM Modi began the second leg of his USA trip in the west coast, San Jose, meeting heavyweight IT CEOs

California: A day after his grand address at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, Prime Minister Modi arrived at San Hose on Saturday, set to meet some prime CEOs of the technology industry there. The first Indian Prime Minister to visit the region in the past 33 years, he was greeted by a massive concentration of Indian-American diaspora there.

At the rendezvous, he started his address by thanking Google CEO Sunder Pichai, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen and the other tech premiers in presence. Said he, “If there was ever a gathering under one roof that could claim to be shaping the world, it is this. It`s a great pleasure to be here in California. It is one of the last places in the world to see the sun set. But, it is here that new ideas see the first light of the day.”

Calling Twitter, Facebook and Instagram ‘the new neighbourhoods of this new world’, PM Modi was at his wittiest as he appreciated the importance of these digital spectres in daily life. Stated the premier, “From computing to communication, entertainment to education, from printing documents to printing products, and, now to internet of things, it`s been a long journey in a short time.” He emphasized that all other industries have now begun revolving around and basing their progress upon the progress of technology.

Technology has been playing a huge role in social revolutions for a while now, especially in India. As PM Modi continued to advocate ‘Digital India’, he showcased the paradigm shift in the Indian society, which has been possible through schemes set up on the support of technology, like the Jan Dhan Yojana and the rate at which the people with knowledge are getting connected to those who need that knowledge.

Said Google CEO Sunder Pichai, “India is the fastest growing start-up nation,” further praising India’s efforts towards innovation in order to transform millions of lives that yearn for a better, safer future. At the same time, other tech giants heartily endorsed the Digital India initiative, acknowledging the progress that India has already made. Mr. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, said, “Digital India will bring about solutions for the challenge of digital divide.” The faith in the India’ n economy grew as a synonym to the trust displayed in PM Modi’s efficiency by the IT CEOs. Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen stated, “I’m sure Prime Minister Modi will take Digital India to greater heights.”

Seated at the dais with PM Modi were these three tech CEOs, along with John Chambers, CEO of Cisco and the Chairman of US India Business Council (UISBC). Mr. John Chambers encouraged, “If you can change India, you will change the world.” Meanwhile, Paul Jacobs, Executive Chairman of Qualcomm announced funds worth USD 150 million towards fuelling start-ups in India. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, greatly impressed with the meeting, simply stated, “Apple has a great connect with India: Steve Jobs went to India for inspiration.”

As the meeting came to an end, PM Modi concluded,” Digital India is an enterprise for India’s transformation…Even more, in this Digital Age; we can draw on the strength of our values and partnership to shape a better and more sustainable future for the world.”

All in all, it was successful step towards building better relations with the tech world, improving faith in the Indian economy and most of all, appraising the Indian tech talent that has been exported to the Valley. It promised of an improved, connected and equality-oriented future for the world as a whole. A relaxed Silicon Valley has become formally ecstatic at the arrival of the Indian Prime Minister and expectations from India’s tech talent have grown at this iconic rendezvous.

Source: The Times Of India

Khushi Desai

About Khushi Desai

Khushi Desai is anything but your typical girl next door. A legit Potterhead, she pens international news here at Spectral Hues. Charming, straightforward and downright sarcastic, give her a first edition and you'll have her hooked. A 16 year old girl with strong political opinions, she is a force to reckon with.


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