Pulitzer Prize 2013 – Complete List

Pulitzer prize 2013complete listThe 2013 Pulitzer Prizes were awarded on Monday by the Pulitzer Prize Board for the excellent work during the 2012.

Since 1917, Pulitzer Prize honours excellence in the field of journalism and the arts in the USA.

This year’s Pulitzer Prize recipients are:


PUBLIC SERVICE Sun Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, FL – “for its well documented investigation of off-duty police officers who recklessly speed and endanger the lives of citizens, leading to disciplinary action and other steps to curtail a deadly hazard.”

This was The Sun Sentinel’s first Pulitzer Prize. The three part series was written by Sally Kestin and John Maines.

BREAKING NEWS REPORTING The Denver Post Staff for “its comprehensive coverage of the mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., that killed 12 and injured 58, using journalistic tools, from Twitter and Facebook to video and written reports, both to capture a breaking story and provide context.”

INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING David Barstow and Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab of The New York Times “for their reports on how Wal-Mart used widespread bribery to dominate the market in Mexico, resulting in changes in company practices.”

EXPLANATORY REPORTING – The New York Times Staff “for its penetrating look into business practices by Apple and other technology companies that illustrates the darker side of a changing global economy for workers and consumers.”

LOCAL REPORTING Brad Schrade, Jeremy Olson and Glenn Howatt of the Star Tribune, Minneapolis “for their powerful reports on the spike in infant deaths at poorly regulated day-care homes, resulting in legislative action to strengthen rules. of the Star Tribune, Minneapolis, for their powerful reports on the spike in infant deaths at poorly regulated day-care homes, resulting in Sun Sentinel wins Pulitzer 2013legislative action to strengthen rules.”

NATIONAL REPORTING – Lisa Song, Elizabeth McGowan and David Hasemyer of InsideClimate News, Brooklyn, NY “for their rigorous reports on flawed regulation of the nation’s oil pipelines, focusing on potential ecological dangers posed by diluted bitumen (or “dilbit”), a controversial form of oil.”

INTERNATIONAL REPORTING David Barboza of The New York Times “for his striking exposure of corruption at high levels of the Chinese government, including billions in secret wealth owned by relatives of the prime minister, well documented work published in the face of heavy pressure from the Chinese officials.”

FEATURE WRITING John Branch of The New York Times “for his evocative narrative about skiers killed in an avalanche and the science that explains such disasters, a project enhanced by its deft integration of multimedia elements.”

COMMENTARY Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal “for his incisive columns on American foreign policy and domestic politics, often enlivened by a contrarian twist.”

CRITICISM Philip Kennicott of The Washington Post “for his eloquent and passionate essays on art and the social forces that underlie it, a critic who always strives to make his topics and targets relevant to readers.”

Denver Post wins Pulitzer 2013  for movie theater massacre in Aurora coverageEDITORIAL WRITING Tim Nickens and Daniel Ruth of the Tampa Bay Times, St. Petersburg, FL “for their diligent campaign that helped reverse a decision to end fluoridation of the water supply for the 700,000 residents of the newspaper’s home county.”

EDITORIAL CARTOONING Steve Sack of the Star Tribune, Minneapolis “for his diverse collection of cartoons, using an original style and clever ideas to drive home his unmistakable point of view.”

BREAKING NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY Rodrigo Abd, Manu Brabo, Narciso Contreras, Khalil Hamra and Muhammed Muheisen of the Associated Press “for their compelling coverage of the civil war in Syria, producing memorable images under extreme hazard.”

FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY Javier Manzano, free-lance photographer, Agence France-Presse, “for his extraordinary picture, distributed by Agence France-Presse, of two Syrian rebel soldiers tensely guarding their position as beams of light stream through bullet holes in a nearby metal wall.”

Letters, Drama and Music

FICTION “The Orphan Master’s Son” by Adam Johnson (Random House) “for an exquisitely crafted novel that carries the reader on an adventuresome journey into the depths of totalitarian North Korea and into the most intimate spaces of the human heart.”

DRAMA “Disgraced” by Ayad Akhtar for “a moving play that depicts a successful corporate lawyer painfully forced to consider why he has for so long camouflaged his Pakistani Muslim heritage.”

HISTORY “Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America’s Vietnam” by Fredrik Logevall (Random House), for “a balanced, deeply researched history of how, as French colonial rule faltered, a succession of American leaders moved step by step down a road toward full-blown war.”

Associated Press celebrates after receiving 2013 Pulitzer PrizeBIOGRAPHY “The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo” by Tom Reiss (Crown) for “a compelling story of a forgotten swashbuckling hero of mixed race whose bold exploits were captured by his son, Alexander Dumas, in famous 19th century novels.”

POETRY “Stag’s Leap” by Sharon Olds (Alfred A. Knopf) for “a book of unflinching poems on the author’s divorce that examine love, sorrow and the limits of self-knowledge.”

GENERAL NONFICTION “Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America” by Gilbert King (Harper) for “a richly detailed chronicle of racial injustice in the Florida town of Groveland in 1949, involving four black men falsely accused of rape and drawing a civil rights crusader, and eventual Supreme Court justice, into the legal battle.”

MUSIC Caroline Shaw for “Partita for 8 Voices – a highly polished and inventive a cappella work uniquely embracing speech, whispers, sighs, murmurs, wordless melodies and novel vocal effects.”

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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