Photo: Tesfanews
The Shiite Houti fighters have apparently extended their control over the capital city of Yemen, Sana’a. This is one of their most recent stincts after having seized the presidential palace and also issuing threats to plunge the Middle-eastern country deeper into sectarian conflicts.
The rebels have seized an entire military campsite that housed rocket systems in the mountains and valleys along the edge of Sana’a, according to the reports of Al-masdar independent news website. Accordingly, checkpoints have been manned and roads have been blocked by the rebels. Further reports state that they have also positioned themselves accordingly around the palace of the US-backed President Abdurabuh Mansur Hadi. The seizure of his residence was followed by several rounds of clashes and riots alike with their leader, Al-houthi, demanding immediate action from the government to implement a peace agreement.
Tags: Yemen