Another instance of suicide bombing has been reported from Iraq’s capital city Baghdad. In this latest bid, the suicide bomb went off in a crowded place in Baghdad which has now killed nearly 20 people and has injured several others.

Image Source: AP
According to BBC, this bombing happened at a Shia Mosque. The bomber reportedly targeted this mosque which is located in Baghdad’s Al-Harithiya.
Suicide attacks and car bombings have been happening in Iraq off lately. No group has taken up the responsibility as of now. BBC reported that this attack happened when people were attending a funeral ceremony. The suicide bomber entered the mosque before blowing him with the bomb, killing nearly 20 in this incident.
Plans foiled; 6 IS terrorists killed:
There in Kirkuk province, 6 ISIS militants were killed while they were planting bombs. Iraqi News reported that a security source in Kirkuk province stated, that 6 ISIS elements were killed while planting bombs somewhere southwest of the province. The same source told the Iraqi News, “Six ISIS militants were killed while planting bombs on the side of the main road near al-Moltaqa, 35 km south west of Kirkuk.”
UN mentions concern:
As the ISIS continues to create trouble, the United Nation’s Security Council on Saturday urged the world to step up measures to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after the terrorist group carried out a spate of brutal attacks in Baghdad and Anbar over the past few days, calling for “a common effort” among governments and institutions to “stamp out” the violence and intolerance ISIL espouses.
The members of the Security Council expressed again their deep outrage about all Iraqis, as well as nationals of other States, who have been killed, kidnapped, raped, or tortured by ISIL, as well as its recruitment and use of children.
In a press release the members of the Security Council reaffirmed the need to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts, and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed.
Tags: Bagdad Iraq ISIS Sucide Bomb terrorism