Russia amidst controversies, finds itself to be accused of cheap mail hack

Tuesday saw The Kremlin brushing aside claims that stated the nation of Russia to be behind an online hack of the Democratic National Committee’s e-mails as plain rubbished and weird, with also terming the same to be nothing more but some ‘obsessive references’.

“This absurd news was immediately refuted by the family of the well-known presidential candidate,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated in his comment to the media, with also drawing reference to US poll candidate Trump’s kin. However, Russia maintains its stance of calling it insane, and by vehemently putting them aside.

Mr. Peskov further put aside a piece of development that stated that Mr. Trump’s foreign policy adviser Carter Page had an appointment with the Kremlin chief-of-staff Sergei Ivanov, in the latter’s nation, apparently, to discuss about a ceremony at a national levels economic institute in the Russian capital.

Delegates quoted that this was indeed absurd, and that the traditional blame-game continues.

Source and picture(s): The Hindu.

Alpona Dutta

About Alpona Dutta

'You'll learn as you get older, that rules are meant to be broken. Live life on your own terms- Go 'gainst the grain, compromise a little but not always...Believe in enjoying life to the fullest!' #Reading #Writing #Travelling #Music #Socialization #love for English.... Love, laugh, live.


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