Proposed nuclear deal risks Israel’s survival; Netanyahu denounces

Photo: DEBBIE HILL/AFP/Getty Images)

Photo: DEBBIE HILL/AFP/Getty Images)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denounced the framework agreement on the proposed nuclear deal that aims to lift the restrictions posed upon the country of Iran.

In his statement that is bring viewed as a much expected backlash, he described the agreement as a ‘bad and dangerous deal’ that threatens the survival of Israel. In a late night phone conversation with the US President Barack Obama almost immediately after the inputs regarding the deal were released from Lausanne, a Swiss town on Thursday, the PM is believed to have told the First Man that he ‘vehemently opposed’ the deal as it posed a ‘grave danger to Israel, the region and the world.’

Israel’s security cabinet had been convened by him on Friday to discuss the same. While Netanyahu’s such an approach has put him in the forefront of Israeli opposition to attempts at negotiating an agreement, his stance on a nuclear-armed Iran generates a huge consensus of Israel’s political scenario.

Alpona Dutta

About Alpona Dutta

'You'll learn as you get older, that rules are meant to be broken. Live life on your own terms- Go 'gainst the grain, compromise a little but not always...Believe in enjoying life to the fullest!' #Reading #Writing #Travelling #Music #Socialization #love for English.... Love, laugh, live.


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