Afghan President Hamid Karzai asked US to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan’s two regions within two weeks.
Karzai told US to take out Special Forces from Wardak and Logar as it add “insecurity and instability” in the region.
“In today’s national security council meeting … President Karzai ordered the ministry of defence to kick out the US special forces from Wardak and Logar provinces within two weeks,” said presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi in a press conference.
“The US special forces and illegal armed groups created by them are causing insecurity, instability, and harass local people in these provinces,” he added.
US had already announced that all troops will leave Afghanistan by December, 2014. Currently almost 100,000 Nato troops including 66,000 US troops are deployed in Afghanistan.
Tags: Afghan President Afghan regions Afghanistan Hamid Karzai Karzai Logar Nato troops in Afghanistan US forces in Afghanistan US troops US troops in Afghanistan USA Wardak