Interview with author Ankur Kumar

Young & Dynamic, Visionary &Determined, Sensitive & Sensible –Ankur Kumar, a student of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela has come a long way to realize his dream; A dream to become a successful and published writer. He turned down a job offer from Tata Consultancy Services to concentrate on his debut novel “THE EMOTIONS” which is now available at major bookstores and online stores in India.

Recently Spectralhues got in touch with this young author who has been interning in Ministry of Earth Science, Delhi.

Here’s the excerpts from the interview:

Congratulations Ankur for your debut novel ‘The Emotions’ – … Tell our reader more about the book and thought behind the plot…

‘The Emotions’ is a novel which is based on ‘pure non blood relation of brother and sister’. This is a story of a boy who has everything in his life except the love of sister. So, this story is of his sacrifices, his unconditional love and yearn of having a sister. The pure non blood relation of brother and sister is hard to find in the real life and very tough to find in a novel, so that readers can learn something this relation.

In this generation, everyone is busy in writing their own love story to express their feeling. But very few of them are writing on different theme, which people has to go through, before prejudging any relation. I am saying this just because, whenever we see a boy and a girl together in a public place, then automatically people start judging them without knowing the truth. They may be brother and sister.

What kind of initial feedback you have been receiving?

I have my very limited readers just because very few of them wants to read a story on this theme. But all those persons who read my book, they praised my work, specially the theme and the story of this book.

Being a debutant author did you face any kind of difficulties with publishing the book? Please tell us your experience with the Publishing industry? How would you rate your publisher?

Finding a publisher was not a big issue. Finding the good publisher, who helps you to change my dreams into reality, who helps me for the marketing plan to sell your novels, was a big thing.

Previously, I sent my manuscript to 5-6 publishers. Few of them repudiated my proposal to print this story, just because of this odd theme. But later, 2 publishers got ready to publish my story. I read the contracts of both publishing houses. And finally I decided to move on with Dream House Publications (DHP). The whole team of DHP aided me very well to publish this novel. DHP team worked over nights and nights, for a week at least, to prepare the copies of our novel for the book launch event.

Is this story based on your personal encounter?

Yes, this is the true story of my life. All the incidences which is written in the book are happened in reality.

What kind of support you get?

I started to write this novel in the last week of May and completed in the middle of February. When I admitted to NITRKL, I had completed only 20% of manuscript. I was on the first or second chapter. I already got a small unique identity in hostel and among my classmates, as they got to know that I am writing a novel. I felt very happy to listen praises about myself but at the corner of my mind, I was very scared because till those day, I didn’t find a publisher for my novel.

There were few times, when I used to write over nights and nights and at the morning, I questioned to myself that, “What will be going to happen if I won’t get any good publisher? What will I say to those people, if all publisher refuse to publish this story, to whom I told about my upcoming novel?” I didn’t have the answer of these questions. At that time, I always had a fight between my mind and my heart. My heart wanted to write a novel and my mind wanted to study hard for the desired course, for which I have admitted in this institute. I always had a fear of failure, because I was writing on this era very first time among all the Indian Authors.

I didn’t tell about my novel to my parents but I told them just a week before the book launch ceremony.

When did you decide to become a writer? What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I would love to be called as a student. Though, I didn’t want to write but the problem and circumstances forced me to write.

With my writing, I just want to be a mode to convey reality to the audience—which they already knew but our society forced them to think in another manner. I want to change the mind of our society (your one step makes a difference). My sisters are of my age group. If I am in a mall or in a shop with my sister to gift her dresses or I am spending my lunch time with my sister, then automatically our society start assuming that these two must be a couple. This is one of the things which I hate the most about our society. To change these people who pre-assumed every relation was also my motive to write about this relation.    

Are you a full-time or part-time writer?  How does that affect your writing?

I am in the last year of my master’s degree. That’s why I also have to concentrate on studies as well. I am a part time author. But still, I can extract 1-2 hour daily for my writing work. This doesn’t mean that I write daily. Some of the times, staring the blank screen to start a word for my book takes hours and hours. Apart from this, thinking on the theme on which you are writing is the most imperative thing. And I give approx. 5-6 hours in thinking the things which I have to pen down.

How easy or difficult is writing according to you? What is the hardest thing about writing?

According to me, if you want to achieve something in your life, then the first thing to ask to yourself is, “WHY I AM DOING THIS?” Having a good story is not the only thing to write a novel. But you must have a determined reason to put down your views in a novel.  I had a good and unique story from the last 4-5 years but previously I hadn’t had a specific reason to write. Something unexpected happened in someone’s life which enforced me to write a novel. That unpredicted thing is the reason why I write this novel. You can easily guess the reason just by turning few pages of this novel, “The Emotions.” And when you have a perfect reason to do something, then you never care about the time, dedication and patience. It inevitably comes within the purpose for completing your dreams.

And there is nothing the hardest thing about writing, if you have the determined goal.

Which other books and authors do you like? Is there any single book which has particularly influenced you?

I am in love with the work of Savi Sharma and SudeepNagarkar, which influenced me in the writing career. I usually used to read the books of these two.

Tell us bit about your future plan? Have you already started penning down second novel?

Yes. I am working on my second script and planning to launch in first week of November. And after this one, I am planning in the corner of my mind to write the true story of ‘Delhi Nirbhaya Gang Rape Case’. This will take time and probably to launch in the middle of the next year.

Any message to our readers…

If you are in searching of a girl who loves you unconditionally, then you should to go to your sister. She will love you, no matter what the situation is.

I have written on totally different era but I assure you, this novel is worth of time and money. Please do share with your friends and family.

I have a request for my readers. Please do leave your review on my Facebook page about your likes and dislikes of this “The Emotions”.

Thank you very much, Ankur! That is an interesting conversation we have had. I hope to return to you sometime soon for a lively conversation if you can find the time. There is really so much to discuss with you! Have a nice day!

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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