Insecurity is normal: Toshada Nilekar

With a new fashion blog starting off every day it has become easy for pretty much everyone to keep up with the latest fashion trends and styles. Now, everyone wants to imitate their favourite bloggers, keeping up with their “OOTDs” (Outfit of the day) and what not, but the naked truth is that keeping up with fashion can sometimes be heavy on the pocket and that’s where budget-friendly bloggers like Toshada Nilekar come to the rescue of fashion-starved souls with a tight budget.

‘Bombaebun’, that’s the name of the blog that Toshada heads with expertise which has around 15,000 hits! What sets her apart is her quirkiness and the fact that she is so headstrong about everything that she undertakes.

Here she is in conversation with Pratiksha Acharya as she talks about insecurities related to body image and life as a fashion blogger.

Photo: Umang Sampat

Toshada Nilekar in conversation with Pratiksha Acharya; Photo: Umang Sampat

What is your definition of fashion?

Anything that expresses you or whatever you are is my definition of fashion.

How would you describe your personal style as- edgy or classy? Which one and why?

Somewhere in between I would say because I dress according to occasions.

Where do you find the inspiration for your blog posts?

From my brain? (laughs) Not really, I used to follow these models and that was pretty much it and that’s how I got into it and then I started doing my own thing because I cannot dress like that. I don’t like showing too much skin, that’s always the thing with me. But, I think that I take the alternative inspirations and combine it with my own things.

Is there anyone who inspires you? A style inspiration maybe?

For style, I would say that I go for Marilyn Monroe, Pooja Mor and yeah that’s about it, I would say.

So, today’s generation is quite insecure about their body image, what are your views on that?

Insecurities are normal but, people need to know that they don’t need to mould themselves into something else for someone else or the society and like, I am slim till my waist and then I have chubby thighs and I am short and it used to bother me until I realized that it does not matter if people call me short because I am happy the way I am and this is my body and I embrace it and others should do that too.

Toshada Nilekar addressing the crowd at Talk-A-Thon; Photo: Umang Sampat

Toshada Nilekar addressing the crowd at Talk-A-Thon; Photo: Umang Sampat

What is the biggest challenge about fashion blogging?

I would say, being regular because if you want to be a fashion blogger you need that sort of finance and me being a budget blogger, you need to worry about photographers, you completely depend on collaborations for your next blog posts and that is a bit challenging.

So, do you appreciate every fashion trend that comes along?

Yes, I do because whichever fashion trend comes along its because someone likes it. Its people being comfortable in their own skin. If people want spiked eyebrows or dyed underarms then it’s their opinion and I appreciate it because they feel comfortable in that.

What’s the best tip you have for someone who wants to get into fashion blogging?

Be yourself. You don’t need to follow the trends to come up. You do your own thing and you need to learn to put it up and people will come to it!

Transcripting: Pratiksha Acharya

Photographs: Umang Sampat

This interview was done at the venue of RC Ruia’s Editorial event Talk-A-Thon

Pratiksha Acharya

About Pratiksha Acharya

Pratiksha is tolerating her progress into adulthood with great difficulty. A bookworm to the core, she loves reading and debating. When her head is not stuck in a book, she likes to cook, dance and shop. For her, reading is more than a hobby. P.S.- She hates losing out on arguments.


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