Bata: In step with the Internet

With the increasing development in the field of online shopping, where shopping websites like Amazon, and E-bay earn whooping amounts of millions of dollars every day, here comes the age old tradition of Bata blazing the trail.

Founded by Thomas J. Bata, the story began in 1894 in Czechoslovakia, and ever since then this Shoemaker of the World has been at the forefront of innovation in production and design of new styles.

bataEven today, when the middleclass of India can’t afford the plush brands of Jimmy Choo and Gucci, Bata comes to their rescue. Therefore, the current chairman Thomas Bata has decided to expand this shoe territory to the online world.

Bata plans to invest $100 million in the next two years in India. In an exclusive interview with The Times Of India, he says that inline is a big challenge and they will be starting with online services like “Click and Reserve” which affirms if one likes a pair of shoes that a friend is wearing, he can go on the website and reserve it. The location of the nearest Bata outlet will be provided and then he/she can drop in the store and try it before buying. Hence the element of a footware being “fit” will be considered while buying.

Also, they are coming back very strongly on the design of their brand power. In the next five years, they plan to get about 30% of their business from regional brands. Presently, Bata heads with 18 brands viz. Marie Claire, Bata Comfit, Weinbrenner, Bubblegummers, Tomy Takkies  and Sundrops to name a few.

Estimating the figure to 6.5 million pairs, the African Brand Tomy Takkies has also been quite in vogue. The white canvas shoes that the Indian School Children have grown up with will be recreated and re-launched as the Classic Vintage 1936 Bata Sneakers. Serving over one million customers each day, this brand is certainly the future of footwear.

Sanika Govekar

About Sanika Govekar

An avid reader with a love for English, an achiever; she has a burning desire to succeed. She wants to make a difference to the society and strongly believes that self-discipline and a monumental work ethic can beat natural ability. Aim to Major in Economics.


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