Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones – First look Poster out

The jittery camera – the overtly shocking natural sequences – and a normal docu-style paramormal-activity-marked-ones-posterrealistic script that makes you believe and relate immediately. And, the shock infuses immediate effect of inside fury. And, this strategy is first depicted in the movie Paranormal Activity. It was an upright populous theory. New. Addictive.

 And, this time around, Paramount brings on the latest addition to the franchise – Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. The film will be supposedly rooted in a Catholic-based investigation into the supernatural. It will be a bit different though the main feel remains intact.

 The producers came up with the scary poster.

Sankha Ghosh

About Sankha Ghosh

Sankha Ghosh was never born in that 'City of Joy', never was a banker, never watched a Godard, never loved Kafka, never fell for that Solitary Reaper, never danced on a friend’s wedding, never fought for human rights, never had a crush at college and never ever aspired to work on a novel! Never was he as simple as this! #He wishes


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