Why Talvar Is A Must-Watch Movie

Movies reflect lives. And, lives reflect reality. And, it sometimes reflect the reality so starkly that it leaves a tingling question in your mind – is the system that we endorse by voting worth it? Does the real justice exist? And, Talvar does exactly that. It strikes the right chord – unveiling the hideous dark side of people. Society. System.

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Meghna Gulzar has immaculately made a film that portrayed the ghastly incidents surrounding the Noida Double Murder case. Immaculate – she casted the Talwars almost real. The stream of incidents in a juxtaposed manner was engaging and enthralling. Interesting, she perfectly portrayed few Rashomon moments in the movie – a single incident viewed in separate view points.

The movie questions. Fearless. It questions the role of media in a large. In India, the broadcast media lately, has a significant influence in manufacturing civil opinions. And, it springs up in protests. Marches. Candle-light walks. And, then – suddenly, the focus shifts. To something more light. Glamorous. And, when it shifts back to that event – either it has lost the punch or the steering has already moved it to a different direction. So, at one point – when the civil society was influenced to point finger to the integrity of “Hemraj”s – it also took no time to sham the face of Rajesh and Nupur for the cold-blooded honor killing of their daughter. Manufactured Opinion. It is dangerous.


It is hilarious too. The civil body swung its opinion as per the prime time debates of the broadcast news channels. But, they were kept at bay as far as the truth and real incident was concerned. Tea table talks were done. Debates sprouted regarding the caste-above-all belief of the non-hearted father. But, they never knew that they were just being the game-cock – dancing at the tunes set at a bigger level.

There are few lines that really set the tone of the movie apart. The best being when Irrfan quoted the line saying that – “they decide who is the murderer and then set for collecting proofs to prove that”. And, time and again, it has been proven right with respect to Indian cycle of events.

A couple of years back, in Kolkata, when a rape victim filed a case for molestation – the chief minister commented on being the case to be window-dressed. And, as per the pre-decided verdict – the investigation proceeded. This is just one. The same prevailed in various states for various people. Unjust. And, fearing.


But the fear turned horrific. When towards the end of the movie – the judge threw away the investigation body’s paper to close the case for lack of evidence and ordered to restart the same accusing the parents for the murders.

Why was it ordered ? pressure ? Is it because, the manufactured opinion wanted the “cold blooded killers” to rot in the jail for the rest of their life ? and, in outburst , they also hit the senior Talwar. It is dreadful. Justice cannot be influenced under public pressure. It must prevail as an omnipotent power. Else, the cycle of manufactured opinion is threatening.

But the reason for non-acceptance of the closure of the file was left  unsaid. Few things are best when left unsaid.


And, today, when I read the murder of an honest engineer of railways at Kharagpur – and the investigating body declaring it as a snake bite case despite photos of the same murder being circulated in the social media – I feel afraid. The bullyness of the authorities has these days has gone so blunt. But, it proves the aptness of the movie. Reality strikes.

I feel afraid too at a point – that despite making the movie so real – despite making the back-end research on the cycle of true events so meticulous – despite portraying the fact on official website that it is based on the Noida Double Murder case – why, I mean why, to keep the names different. Why it would be a mere “fictional dramatization of true life events” and not “true life events”? Was it a justice to the little girl and the hapless servant or an ill-fated couple?

Well, fear prevails. And, justice ? may be sometime in future. Dreams.

Sankha Ghosh

About Sankha Ghosh

Sankha Ghosh was never born in that 'City of Joy', never was a banker, never watched a Godard, never loved Kafka, never fell for that Solitary Reaper, never danced on a friend’s wedding, never fought for human rights, never had a crush at college and never ever aspired to work on a novel! Never was he as simple as this! #He wishes


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