Set in April 1945 on the backdrop of World War II, the film has been written and directed by David Ayer. It also features Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Jon Bernthal, Michael Peña, Jason Isaacs, and Scott Eastwood.
The film focused on a journey of Wardaddy played by Brad Pitt, a U.S. Army sergeant who commands a Sherman tank called “Fury” and its five-man crew on a deadly mission to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.
Movie Detail:-
Directed By |
David Ayer |
Produced By | Bill Block John Lesher Alex Ott Ethan Smith |
Studio |
Columbia Pictures |
Written by | David Ayer |
Starring | Brad Pitt Shia LaBeouf Logan Lerman Michael Peña Jon Bernthal Jason Isaacs |
Music | Steven Price |
Release Date | 14 November 2014 |
Tags: Brad pitt Fury Movie Release movie trailer