If I Had to Tell It Again: A Memoir By Gayathri Prabhu

All that glitters is not gold. Similarly every person has a dark side which one refuse to repeal. This story speaks of a girl (here the author herself) tries to decipher her father’s unfulfilled wish trough this story. Every successful person wants to give a meaning to his/her life. Despite certain obligations, her father decides to donate his corpse to medical college out of desperation of unfulfilled ambition. Now the narration of publishing this story is a bit smothering, as she has to go through a lot of tensions and apprehensions. Being sympathetic leads to macroscopic view of life, but being empathetic leads to microscopic view of life.

The author tries to decipher the microscopic view of her father’s life after his demise. How an unfulfilled wish leads to abjection? How an abjection leads to the meaningful justification? How a momentary decision becomes an oblivious philanthropy? The story speaks. Gayathri Prabhu , the Indian author depicts a new endeavor of her father’s life.

Place your order today in Flipkart or Amazon, get your copy and just read it to evaluate your own life and relationships.

Book details :-

Author: Gayathri Prabhu
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishing year: 2017
ISBN-13: 9789352773756 ISBN-10: 9352773756
Cover: Paperback Pages: 192
MRP: Rs 299 Buy From Flipkart.com
Denizen of Dreamland

About Denizen of Dreamland

I am Denizen of Dreamland, born and brought up in cosmopolitan South kolkata. Since childhood I do prefer to make certain necessary and unnecessary changes in my day to day life as anything monotonous bores me a lot.my philosophy towards life is "Living it through moments without being too critical and skeptical towards it". I have an analytical and empathetic mind which helps me to understand and retrospect any situation or any individual in an unique way.


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