Now it’s PC Parakh’s turn to embarrass PM Manmohan Singh

After Sanjaya Baru, it’s now former coal secretary PC Parakh’s turn to embarrass the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by revealing controversial ‘truths’ of  his tenure.

Already Sanjaya Baru’s controversial book, ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’ has been  crusader-or-conspirator-coalgate-and-other-truths-created massive row in the political arena, now Manmohan Singh is to face another dig at his image as former coal secretary PC Parakh has come out with a book “Crusader or Conspirator: Coalgate and Other Truths” which reveals the inside story of Coalgate scam.

In the book “Crusader or Conspirator: Coalgate and Other Truths” Parakh reveals that Manmohan Singh had little political authority in the party and in the government.

The 228-page book is set to rock the political sphere during this crucial Lok Sabha polls. Already Baru has gifted a timely tool to Modi-led NDA to tear up Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi. BJP has been asking people to rid off ‘remote control Prime Minister’ and accused Sonia Gandhi of being a ‘Super Prime Minister’.

While Sanjaya Baru, the former media advisor of PM, in his book ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’ claimed Manmohan Singh had completely surrendered to Sonia Gandhi and had no control over his government, PC Parikh’s book ‘Crusader or Conspirator’ is only reconfirming the allegations and bringing added humiliations to PM and the Congress party.

Parakh, who was the part of coal ministry when Manmohan Singh looked after the same portfolio, claims that Singh’s image as an honest politician received a serious jolt following 2G and coalgate scams. He has asserted the PM was unable to bring more transparent system of bidding for coal blocks.

pc-parakh-memoir-360“After the Prime Minister approved open bidding in 2004, letters poured in opposing the move. A few Ministers of States tried to scuttle the proposal, but the Prime Minister remained silent on their repeated attempts to stall open bidding,” Parakh writes in the book.

Targeting Prime Minister, Parakh, against whom the CBI has registered a case in coal block allocation scam, said the Prime Minister was distressed but said he could not step down. “He (Singh) faced similar problems every day. But it would not be in the national interest if he was to offer his resignation on every such issue,” Parakh refers PM.

“I do not know if the country would have got a better Prime Minister if Dr Manmohan Singh had resigned, instead of facing the humiliation of his own ministers not implementing or reversing his decision…By continuing to head a government in which he had little political authority, his image has been seriously dented by 2G scam and Coal-gate although he has had a spotless record of personal integrity,” Parakh writes.

Book Details:

Author: PC Parakh

Publisher: Manas Publication

ISBN-13: 9788170494874

Cover: Hardbound

Year of Publications: 2014

MRP: Rs. 595

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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