Gandhi Before India by Ramachandra Guha

Book Summary:

gandhi before india by ramchandra guhaRenowned historian and popular author Ramachandra Guha’s latest book ‘Gandhi Before India’ presents a vivid description of Pre-Gandhian era in India and insight the life of Mohandas Gandhi before he became the Mahatma. In “Gandhi Before India,” the author explores his 20 years in South Africa which according to the author shaped his idea of non-violence.

The book accounts from 23-year-old Mohandas Gandhi’s departure to South Africa in 1893 as a briefless lawyer to his return to India after 20 years in 1915. In this remarkable biography Guha said that the two decades that Gandhi spent in South Africa, actually shaped the ‘Mahatma’. It was during his years in England and South Africa that he understood the nature of imperialism and racism; and it was in South Africa that he forged the philosophy and techniques that would undermine and ultimately destroy the British Empire.

To understand ‘Mahatma Gandhi: Father Of The Nation’, do go and grab this book at the earliest.

Book Details:

Title: Gandhi Before India
Author: Ramachandra Guha
Publisher: Allen Lane
ISBN-13: 9780670083879
ISBN-10: 0670083879
Year of Publication: 2013
Cover: Hardcover
Pages: 688
MRP: Rs. 899

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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