Spectralhues launches “And then, she said yes!” by Rajarshi Motilal

07th January 2017, Kolkata: Blooming exposure of another promising fictionist occur at the City of Joy. Rajarshi  Motilal, a Jadavpur University alumni discloses his first creative literary work. The name is very innocuously innovative: “And then, she said yes!”. The punctilious promotion started smoothly under the patronage of Spectralhues at Seagull Books Store on 07.01.2017 from 5 pm onwards.

The event started well with a welcome speech from Spectralhues team in front of a huge gathering.  Rajarshi launched the book at the benevolent presence of his parents and loved ones. When asked to say a few lines about his debut novel he says: “It is quite amazing to see your name on the cover page of a book. I hope my readers enjoy the story.”

Rajarshi is Jadavpur University graduate, has done his MBA and his currently working in a multinational company. But as much he enjoys his work and his other engagements like debating, public speaking etc his passion lies elsewhere. Rajarshi admits that he has loved diary writing since his childhood which bestows the passion to write his first novel. “And then, she said yes!” belongs to romantic genre where one would come across several characters revealing the real meanings of love and despair, says the author.  He also bears a keen interest in writing obscure/off-beat topics and is looking forward for its mass acceptance. The above matters were expressed from the interview cum question-answer session as conducted with the author by the Spectralhues team. A mammoth gathering of book lovers happened at this occasion.

Rajarshi, with an intellectual debonair corroborates that books are nothing but certain and uncertain latent disclosure of human perception which one endeavor at different emotive instances. He says: “Keep on doing weird and different things in life. Who knows, one weird passion just might that perfect call for you.”  He congratulates spectralhues for conducting such a wonderful event.

Spectralhues provides a promising platform for young enthusiasts with a knack for writing and a voice of their own to represent their perception about the world.

Denizen of Dreamland

About Denizen of Dreamland

I am Denizen of Dreamland, born and brought up in cosmopolitan South kolkata. Since childhood I do prefer to make certain necessary and unnecessary changes in my day to day life as anything monotonous bores me a lot.my philosophy towards life is "Living it through moments without being too critical and skeptical towards it". I have an analytical and empathetic mind which helps me to understand and retrospect any situation or any individual in an unique way.


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