Rusty and the Magic Mountain by Ruskin Bond


51t8rmukH7L._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_Ruskin Bond brings back Rusty, the boy from Dehradun who loves adventure. In his quintessential and simple narrative style, Bond weaves the latest exploit of Rusty and his friends Popat and Pitambar. The friends scale a certain mysterious mountain, around which various superstitions have grown and proliferated.

Interspersed with humorous incidents, the suspense and thrill of adventure and the horror of an unknown landscape and people, Rusty’s newest adventure becomes a rivetting tale.

By his own admission, Ruskin Bond’s this tale has very limited elements from his own personal experiences, and the fiction is delicious!

Let’s climb the mountain and get a copy!

Book Details:-        

Author: Ruskin Bond
Publisher: Penguin Books Publishing Year: 2015
ISBN-13: 9780143333579 ISBN-10: 0143333577
Cover: Paperback No. Of Pages: 120
MRP: Rs 299 Buy From:
Rit Chattapadhyay

About Rit Chattapadhyay

A student of literature, I was born in Kolkata, now, reside at Howrah. I completed my high school from St.Thomas' Church School Howrah,and then went on to study English Honours at Asutosh College. Presently, I am pursuing my Masters in English Literature from Calcutta University. Not an avid reader from childhood. My experience with literature intensified in high school and Asutosh College. I love reading works of literature and I am an amateur poet myself. My poems mainly highlight the agonies of modern existence and the complications of love. Being a very opinionated person, I bear distinct opinions about what I read.


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