Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella

“Change is the only constant” – Heraclitus. Hit Refresh is a story about the inter-relation and intra-relation between Man and Machine. How does an invention  surpass  it’s own inventor in effectiveness?

Today attrition due to machine intervention as compared to  man’s relative efficiency is known to everyone. CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella tries to display this fact  through his evocative creation “Hit Refresh”. It’s very easy to press a refresh button on machine to make a new start. But it’s very tedious to maintain steady Human relation and enhance the overall organizational performance. Ambition with Empathy is the need of the global civilization. One has to forget the age old ‘Carrot and Stick’ policy and accept the policy of ‘Empathy with Value Addition’ in the working atmosphere. Hit Refresh is ready to hit the market with the innovative, ingenious business plan by the most successful businessman in the contemporary business gamut. The word ‘business’ is emphasized due to its emphatic importance in the globalized world. 

This is a golden opportunity for a tech-savvy book lover to come across such an amazing book. So, order now! Don’t be late because you might just miss out on your copy since the stock is running out very fast.

Book details :-

Author: Satya Nadella
Publisher: Harper Business Publishing year: 2017
ISBN-13: 9780008247652 ISBN-10: 000824765X
Cover: Hardcover Pages: 320
MRP: Rs 599 Buy From  Flipkart.com
Denizen of Dreamland

About Denizen of Dreamland

I am Denizen of Dreamland, born and brought up in cosmopolitan South kolkata. Since childhood I do prefer to make certain necessary and unnecessary changes in my day to day life as anything monotonous bores me a lot.my philosophy towards life is "Living it through moments without being too critical and skeptical towards it". I have an analytical and empathetic mind which helps me to understand and retrospect any situation or any individual in an unique way.


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