Half the Night is Gone by Amitabha Bagchi

Amitabha Bagchi is an Asstt Professor in IIT Delhi. His new book Half the Night is Gone speaks of his art of creativity in fiction. The story tells of young Viswanath, who is drenched and bereaved emotionally due to his young son’s sudden and painful demise. His solace seems to be writing a story of a wealthy Lala Motichand. Lalaji is a rich and prosperous businessman in the post-independence era. The story deciphers of his three sons – Dinanath, Diwanchand and Makhan Lal.

Dinanath: He bears an ambitious, diplomatic personality. His business acumen and temperament goes in equal parity with that of Lala Motichand. He claims to be an ideal heir to his father.

Diwanchand: He lives a life of pensive pessimism. His so-called abstruse life leads him to be a poet.

Makhan Lal: He is a Marxist follower. He plays an important role of social-reformer in the book.

In the most serendipitous way, Viswanath, son of  a cook of a rich businessman feels cathartic and apprehensive while corroborating the story of Lala’s personal servant Mange Ram and his son Parsadi.

The novel speaks of fraternity, brotherhood, business attitude, poetic lassitude, Marxist philosophy, gaga of holistic social-reformation. A poor father’s  empathy towards a rich Lala and his maid. The book is a gem in itself, as it tries to reach the tipping point of literary versatility. Here each and everyone bears a contradictory personality, thus their amalgamation makes the story an inexhaustible perfection in the backdrop of post 1947 Indian independence era when everyone is trying hard to see an improvised socio-economic-political picture.

Read the story to feel the zeal. So without wasting more time just go and get your hands on this little gem ASAP.

Book details :-

Author: Amitabha Bagchi
Publisher: Juggernaut Publishing year: 2018
ISBN-13: 9789386228703 ISBN-10: 938622870X
Cover: Hardcover Pages: 320
MRP: Rs. 599 Buy From Amazon.in
Denizen of Dreamland

About Denizen of Dreamland

I am Denizen of Dreamland, born and brought up in cosmopolitan South kolkata. Since childhood I do prefer to make certain necessary and unnecessary changes in my day to day life as anything monotonous bores me a lot.my philosophy towards life is "Living it through moments without being too critical and skeptical towards it". I have an analytical and empathetic mind which helps me to understand and retrospect any situation or any individual in an unique way.


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