21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari, the mighty Israeli speaks of the ‘would have been’ past and ‘will be’ future in his previous two creations viz Sapiens and Homo Deus respectively. Now he focuses in his inevitable present which is 21st lessons for the 21st century where he ushers and shares his platonic vision to the other natives of 21st century.

Any invention is both faithful and harmful to Human civilization. In this era of globalized economy, cyber terror is the biggest threat to mankind. Hacking any covetous software, system can do more damage as compared to any deadly weapon. How does everyone’s privacy is pardoned in the eye of Big Data? How can we combat terrorism ? What is the most unsaid and latent threat to human civilization?

How can peace be prevailed through this atmosphere of tension, apprehension, animosity? How does fake news and sham politics wins over reality? How does real truth surrenders to the dirty hand of political gimmick?

The power of social media and its over-powering effect on ingenious mind .

One must read this fantastic book more than once to unveil the real picture of today’s globalized world. So go and grab your copy today.

Book details :-

Author: Yuval Noah Harari
Publisher: Random House UK Publishing year: 2018
ISBN-13: 9781787330672 ISBN-10: 1787330672
Cover: Hardcover Pages: 272
MRP: Rs. 799 Buy From Amazon.in
Denizen of Dreamland

About Denizen of Dreamland

I am Denizen of Dreamland, born and brought up in cosmopolitan South kolkata. Since childhood I do prefer to make certain necessary and unnecessary changes in my day to day life as anything monotonous bores me a lot.my philosophy towards life is "Living it through moments without being too critical and skeptical towards it". I have an analytical and empathetic mind which helps me to understand and retrospect any situation or any individual in an unique way.


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