“Man never made any material as resilient as human spirit” said Burn Williams, which is the essence of Avantika Debnath’s debut novel “The Bridal Pyre: Nainam Dahati Pawakah”- the human soul being indestructible and indomitable even in the face of unspeakable torments.

Meera, the protagonist, is a city girl- modern, educated, smart and talented. An only daughter of a retired army officer who could not complete his education due to money constraints, Meera was given the liberty and the opportunity to realize her full potentialities, to dream big and to attain those dreams. But along with the dreams of having a successful career and of getting her novel published, Meera had one more dream- that of getting married, of having a loving and dotting husband, of having her very own “happily ever after” and Abhi had promised all this, and more. But the day she stepped into the house of her in-laws in a small town Ashanagar, all her dreams, hopes and expectations were nipped in the bud. From physical and mental abuse to demand for more and more money from Meera’s father, she has to face it all and her tale becomes one with that of so many women around the world. But the day her mother-in-law pushes her down the stairs leading to her miscarriage, Meera puts her foot down and decides to fight back.

Violence against women is the most prevalent and most persisting social menace, awareness of which has been on a rise and Debnath in her novel makes a bold statement against it. Meera’s plight, her incessant humiliation, the crushing of her dreams become synonymous with the fate of thousands of women around the world, as also her fight for justice for the baby she could never see, never hold in her arms, the baby that she lost, strikes a chord with all humanity. The hollowness and pretences of patriarchal society and the deep rooted corruption in our political and judiciary system are ruthlessly exposed by the author.

The easy, informal language of the novel gives it a relatable feel and brings out the stark reality portrayed in all its horror. On the other hand, the beautiful poetry interspersed within the narrative lends a finer dimension to this tale of hope and hopelessness, of being burnt down to rising again from the ashes. Elizabeth Edwards’ words “She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails” finds an embodiment in Meera, who like every ordinary Indian woman is taught to adjust and sacrifice after marriage but who, through her resilience, courage and determination emerges as extra ordinary.

This novel is sure to touch your heart and resonate deep within you even long after you have finished going through its pages.

Book details:-

Author: Avantika Debnath
Publisher: Omji Publishing House Year of Publishing: 2015
ISBN-13: 9789384028473 ISBN-10: 9384028479
Cover: Paperback No. Of Pages: 256
MRP: Rs 175 Buy From:

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Mekhla Gan

About Mekhla Gan

"The whole world opened to me when I learned to read" and I have been hooked to it ever since. Suspending my own life, cocooning in someone else's imagination and in the process, living a thousand lives is for me the most exhilarating way of experiencing life. Books are what I turn to in my happy and not so happy times for it is in them that I find the words for what I have known all along..


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