The Secret Of The Nagas

Book Summary:

The Secret Of The NagasIn The Immortals of Meluha, Shiva is introduced as a tribal warrior from Tibet who is destined to be the savior of the Meluhans from their enemies. The Meluhans had heard a prophecy stating that a warrior from an alien land would come to save them in their hour of crisis. The Meluhans, who are Suryavanshis, are besieged by the Chandravanshis and their allies, the Nagas. Shiva agrees to lead the Meluhans against their enemies. He has also fallen in love with Sati, the beautiful princess of Meluha and is now married to her.

The first book ends with Shiva observing a Naga who is stalking Sati. In The Secret of The Nagas, Shiva, who has chased the Naga away is looking for clues to his identity. He finds a few coins left behind by the Naga, and discovers the coins belong to the land of the Brangas. So Shiva, Sati, and a retinue of their followers travel to Kashi, where there is a community of Brangas. They want to learn from these people any information they could give on the Nagas.
Shiva learns about the reason behind the alliance of the Brangas and Nagas and decides to travel to Branga by ship. Sati remains at Kashi to oversee the problems of the community there. As The Secret Of The Nagas proceeds, both Shiva and Sati, separately, discover many startling secrets that have profound effects on their lives. The revealed secrets affect their relationships with those around them, and eventually, when they meet, it also affects their relationship with each other.

The book has been very successful and has sold more than 175,000 copies.

Book Details:

Title: The Secret Of The Nagas
Author: Amish Tripathi
Publisher: Westland
ISBN-10: 9381626344
ISBN-13: 9789381626344
Year of Publication: 2012
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 414
MRP: Rs. 225

Book Summary: In The Immortals of Meluha, Shiva is introduced as a tribal warrior from Tibet who is destined to be the savior of the Meluhans from their enemies. The Meluhans had heard a prophecy stating that a warrior from an alien land would come to save them in their hour of crisis. The Meluhans, who are Suryavanshis, are besieged by the Chandravanshis and their allies, the Nagas. Shiva agrees to lead the Meluhans against their enemies. He has also fallen in love with Sati, the beautiful princess of Meluha and is now married to her. The first book ends…
Summary: Must Read

Summary: Must Read

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Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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