Veena C Talks to Spectralhues


Chennai born author Veena C is an Economics Graduate from the University of Chennai. An avid reader Veena has been writing poetry since her childhood. ‘14th FebA Love Story’ is Veena’s maiden effort to write a novel. Currently she is living in Mumbai with her husband.

In her recent interview with Spectralhues, Veena talks about her life, her future plans and of course about ‘14th Feb…’

Congratulations on the release of your first book “14th Feb: A Love Story”. What kind of response you have been receiving?

The response has been very good and encouraging. Everyone liked my simple style and the flow of the story which is fast paced. Many wanted to know if there is a sequel because of the ending.

How was the experience of writing a ‘novel’ since you are a ‘poetry person’?

Though I had written poetries, writing a book was something that I had never imagined. My precious baby Aryan is the inspiration behind this book as I wrote this when he was in my womb. I felt the need to make those months special and created this story in my mind. Then I proceeded to write a few pages everyday and this absorbed and motivated me to complete it as a full-fledged novel.

What motivates you to write this particular story?

My wonderful memories of my hometown Chennai where I spent my 25 years of life gave me the backdrop and motivated me to write this story. Most of Sanjay’s favorites are mine too.

How long it took you to finish the book?

It took me about six months to finish the book.

Is the story based on real life incidents or it’s a complete work of fiction?

It is influenced by my upbringing in Chennai but the story is a work of fiction.

Tell us how much of Gayu is Veena?!

That’s a nice question. Let me think…well, I also love music though I don’t sing as well as gayu. I also had an emotionally tough childhood as I lost my father at a young age and had to shoulder family responsibilities. I am also a romantic person like gayu.

For the debut novel you have chosen the safe subject of internal love, romance and trust; would you like to write on different genres in future?

Yes I would like to write on different genres and maybe a book for children too.

Do you have anything to say about the support you got from your family and friends while writing the book?

My husband R.Chandrasekaranhas always been encouraging which helped me accomplish this.My husband and my mother are my pillars of support and I derive my strength from them to achieve my goals.

How was your experience with your publisher?

I will always be grateful to Mr.Sunil Poolani, executive director, Leadstart Publishing and his team for not only publishing my book but for being very prompt and efficient in their work. All my initial apprehensions and queries were answered promptly and I was always kept in the loop and received updates about the stages of work done. Within three months, I received my complimentary copy and my joy knew no bounds. The last mail from Mr. Sunil Poolani who is no more now, was a revert for the mail I had written thanking him for being instrumental in getting my work published. It said “We are happy that you are happy. Best of Luck”. This message still lingers in my heart.

What kind of books do you like to read? Who are your favourite authors?

I have always been inspired by Robin Sharma’s books, The monk who sold his Ferrari,The Greatness Guide and I keep rereading them as it motivates me tremendously. I am also a huge fan of Sudha Murty’s books, Wise and Otherwise, Mahashweta for the simple style and thought provoking ideals that she brings out. I also read good romantic novels as it sparks my imagination.

Tell us something about yourself? Besides writing what other things interest you?

Besides writing and reading, music is what soothes me a lot. I have learnt keyboard music and I try to practice when I get time and I like to listen to melodious music.

Could you tell us something about your future plans?  Are you planning to write another book?

I want to bring the effervescence of Mumbai where I currently reside through a nice story which is what I am currently attempting now.

Do you have any message for your readers?

Have a habit of reading good books as it helps you cultivate good thoughts and motivates you at all times. Develop creative talents as it gives us utmost fulfillment. Always train your mind to be positive so that good opportunities come knocking.

Thank you Veena for your time. Wish you all the best for your future works.


Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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