Interaction With Author Sanjeev Ranjan

A final year Engineering student at Sastra University, Sanjeev Ranjan, is a young aspiring author from Bihar. A non conformist, Sanjeev is a voracious reader. Along with reading he likes to explore innovative ideas. Sanjeev loves to counsel people and in spare time he listens to music. “In Course Of True Love!” is Sanjeev Ranjan’s debut novel.

We at Spectralhues got in touch with the Sanjeev. In a candid interview with Susmita Bose, he talks about his life, his book and his future plans.

Congratulations on the release of your debut novel “In Course Of True Love!” Tell us briefly about the book…

Thank you.  “In Course of True love!” is a school time (11th and 12th) love story that I painted this novel on the canvas of innocence, friendship, giggling moments of classes, and a sweet love story.  I raised a question in the novel through the story that does love happen at an age of sixteen or it is mere a passing infatuation?

What kind of response you have received so far?

Before the release of novel, when I released the cover page of the novel for the first time, I started getting good reviews and readers were quite excited read the novel.  After the release, Readers appreciated my work. I am really happy with reviews that they are able to associate the novel story with their life.  Happiness got added when I started getting request to write squeal of this novel.

What was the motivation behind this particular story?

I had experienced certain things when I was in Bokaro that really motivated me to write this story and the question which I have raised in question is very common. I wanted to tell a story elucidating all those things like teenage love, its depth and its meaning in society. So, I crafted this story.

The title is very interesting. How did you come upon it?

Actually, it was not the same title that I went for publishing. I think title should be very general that can easily connect with readers. My publisher suggested this title to me. I loved it. Moreover, the novel title is quite apt with story.

Sanjeev Ranjan

Sanjeev Ranjan

How much ‘Aarush’ resembles with your own character?

I would say that Aarush resembles very much with my own character.

Are the incidents narrated in the book has been taken from real life experiences?

Yes, Incidents narrated in the book has been taken from my real life experiences. As an author, I must say that every fiction use to be author’s story on larger scale. Most of the incidences are taken from my life with a perfect blend of fiction. The life that I lived in Bokaro, where the story is based, has certainly has influence over my story.

What kind of support you are getting?

It’s overall good so far.

Any particular person whom you want to dedicate this book and why?

I have dedicated this book to my parents for their love and support. Apart from this, I have dedicated Aachankya Kapoor and Ritika Dey, the characters of novel who gave me some unforgettable moments to my life that I narrated through Aarush.

What kind of books you read mostly? Who are your favourite authors? Which books inspired you most?

I read every kind of books ranging from Fiction, non-fiction, Fantasy and self-help. J K Rowling and Rohinton Mistry are my favorite authors. There are two books that really influenced me. First one is “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and other is “A Fine Balance” by Rohinton Mistry.

Tell us something about your future plans?

At this moment, it’s only a month of release of my novel.  So, waiting for reviews of readers. But I would definitely say that there are few projects upon which I work but at this moment, it would be too early to comment anything.

Any message for readers who would buy your books…

I am very much grateful to readers who are buying novel and reading it. I am delighted to see your love and support. Your reviews mean lot to me. Keep spreading about novel so that everyone can come to know about the meaning of true love.

That was Sanjeev Ranjan! The aspiring author is very positive that his debut novel “In Course Of True Love!” will be loved and accepted by the book readers. Spectralhues is wishing him all the very best for his debut novel as well as for his future endeavors.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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