Gupshup with Sonia Kundra Singh

A lot many authors do not make much of public appearances but still manage to create a space for themselves in the heart of the readers. Sonia Kundra Singh, author of ‘Love Me In The End’ and ‘A Soldier’s Love Story’ happens to be one of them. With both of her books already creating waves among the readers, Spectralhues caught up with the author and asked everything her readers wanted to know about her.

You recently had a launch at the Hyderabad Book Fair, share your experience and how was the overall response?

dpLaunching your book is perhaps one of the most exhilarating experience. It’s the author taking the reins in the hands and telling the world that she has a book that needs to be read. And that its worth reading.

I had a great audience. The Hyderabad Book Fair committee were very warm and encouraging towards new writers. So I did share a few words about my second novel A SOLDIER’S LOVE STORY. 

You are considered as one of those authors who maintain a low profile, has it been a conscious decision or is it just a plain notion? Do the readers get see more of your public appearances?

I never really considered that being a writer meant putting myself out there in person. I am still learning the art of interacting with my readers. With the book launch of A SOLDIER’S LOVE STORY and meeting several people who were an ardent fan of romance, I could become more of a people’s person. I still love being a private person and let my work speak for itself.

Did you always want to be a writer or ‘Love Me In The End’ happened by chance?

I started writing very young and getting published was a very conscious decision. It feels great to have two books out there now.

Tell us something about yourself and your latest book?

I am an army wife, a mother and a writer. I travel a lot and love taking photographs of my son. I think that’s become a hobby now. I think I am doing pretty well to be where I am.

A Soldier’s Love Story is a fictional romance and the characters come from a simple background with small expectations of love and a happy marriage. The setting here comes from my own home. It’s a beautiful village set in the outskirts of Punjab.

What changes did you see in yourself while writing ‘Love Me In The End’ and ‘A Soldier’s Love Story’?

sonia ma'amSince LOVE ME IN THE END, I have become a little more aware of what the readers what. I have improved upon my plot ideas but I still do write what I want to write. Some readers are irked by detailed sex scenes and for me romance is all about having a great chemistry with your partner. So I guess that’s not going to change any soon.

How long did you take to pen down this piece of work?

It took me three months to pen down A SOLDIER’S LOVE STORY and some more time to edit. I guess I just take my own sweet time to enjoy the romance I write.

Name a few books that inspire you.

Whenever I need to search for some answers I turn to WHO WILL CRY WHEN YOU DIE by Robin Sharma and SEVEN PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN by Mitch Albom. I also go back to reading other books when I am completely blank.

How has your experience been with your publishers?

My publishers have done an excellent job with my second book. I am sure they will also see that my book reaches all the right audience. So far, so good.

Who has been your source of inspiration?

My inspiration is my family. They give me all the support and time for me to keep writing.

On a scale of 10, how do you rate yourself?

I love myself. I love what I write. And I never rate myself below 10. But there is always scope for improvement.

bothHow do you manage writing along with being a mother?

Its all a matter of setting up a routine. Writing is a desk job, with a hint of fun of course. I make my mind that I have to finish  at least 1000 words no matter what. And that could happen any time of the day. Sometimes I write without any inspiration at all and it actually helps. You see, being a mom, you actually can’t sit and wait for one.

What are your favourite works? An author you look up to.

I still read Mills and Boons and authors like Betty Neels, Judith McNaught and Julie Garner are my all time favourite. I look up to all. All are my favourites.

Are you working on a third project? What is it all about?

I have several projects coming ahead of me. The latest one would be a romance novel called HOPELESS IN LOVE that would be out this year. Its already with a publisher. It’s a coming of age plot of two teenagers falling in love and how they meet after being heartbroken.

And finally, any advice or suggestion you would like to give to aspiring authors and to your readers?

I would advise them to write with all their heart and not think about fame when they do it. And investing time in writing is very important so make a routine to write everyday even if its just five hundred words.

That was Sonia Kundra Singh for you! Spectralhues wishes her glorious success and hopes she would come up with many more remarkable books in future.

Harshita Srivastava

About Harshita Srivastava

Harshita Srivastava is the author of 'One In A Million'. She has been associated with Spectralhues for a long time and loves writing for this space. She is an ardent reader and a passionate writer. She is the kind of person who believes in turning your dreams into reality. You can follow her at her blogs Dreams V/s Reality and Relationship Vows(Woes)


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