Straight From Heart: Himani Vashishta’s Candid Interview With Spectralhues

Bikaner born Himani Vashishta comes from a cultural and traditional family. She obtained MBA degree and now pursuing Law from Rajasthan University. A prolific writer Himani starts writing from very early age. Her first work ‘Blossom Of India‘ was published through a poetry contest organized by ‘Poet Of Mars’, an American Poetry Society. ‘Princess Of Falcons’ is her debut novel and it is the first installment of the trilogy. Recently she has also online published a Poetry book titled ‘Garden Of Love- A Bouquet Of Poetry’.

Along with writing Himani has keen interests in painting, cartooning, acting, gardening, origami, occult sciences, astrology and blogging.  Currently she is working on an Occult non-fiction, “Astral Projection- an Out of Body Experience and a Hindi love stories collection Char Gulab ”

We, at got in touch with the author. Here are some excerpts from an interview Himani Vashishtha gave to Susmita Bose.

Congratulations on the release of your debut novel “Princess Of Falcons”. What kind of initial response you are receiving?

Thank you so much.  The response from all the readers has been heartwarming. I have never imagined that I will receive such a huge response. People now address me as ‘Princess Falcons’.

Tell us your thought behind this particular book?

Since childhood I have inclination towards Fantasy.  After watching Fantasy Hollywood movies I always wanted to create a great fantasy.

I wanted to put all elements in a single book, so my book depicts almost everything-  Real love, beauty, melody,  love triangle, a great friendship, sacrifice, treachery, patriotism, bravery, war, natural beauty, drama, humor, present life, today’s college life, tribal life, secrets, mysticism, fantasy world, adventure, supernatural elements, mystery, suspense etc..etc..

What more one can expect in a single book? I have tried to serve my readers a unique dish with every kind of flavor.

‘Princess Of Falcons’ is the first part of the trilogy. Why you choose to debut with a trilogy? When can we expect the other parts?

I wanted to create a whole new world through my fantasy. Truly speaking I was very much inspired by the magical fantasy world created by J.K.Rolling. I wanted to keep the magic of my fantasy world alive for years and leave a deep impact on my readers. Moreover my story was not ended yet, the first part is the foundation.

Probably by the end of next year I’ll be publishing the second part of my book. I have already outlined the theme of second series.

How much of Silviya is Himani Vashishta?

My protagonist Silviya is very close to my heart. She definitely has some traits of me and she is like my role model.  She is how, I always want to be- a brave, intelligent, positive and a charming girl.  She is a bold, beautiful and a confident girl and liked by all, I do have similar image among my friends and known. Silviya is beauty with brains; my fans gave me the same title.

One peculiar similarity I and Silviya have that we are always freighted by our nightmares. Snakes, strange things and places, castles, war always chase Silviya in her dreams and same happens with me also.

Himani Vashishta

Tell us what more we can expect in the next segment regarding Silviya’s journey for searching her origin and her true identity.

In the next series after a few initial chapters Silviya will become a shadow character and her son the ‘Prince of Falcons’ would take the reign. Its Sliviya’s son who is destined to fought the final war and bring salvation to Panahasi tribe.

As you have a keen interest in arts and especially in painting, I am curious to know whether you yourself design the cover of the book?

As a child I always wanted to be a painter and in my school days I had won prize at International level in Child art. But now so many years have passed and I have not touched my drawing & painting tools. Yet the artist in me has not died, it just need to be revived.

I had designed a cover for my book but my publisher wanted to change it so I pay heed to their advice.  My new E-book’s (Garden Of Love) cover I have designed myself.

Did you have a target readership in mind while writing this book?

Yes, ‘Princess Of Falcons’ is targeted to mainstream fantasy readers, supernatural power seeker enthusiasts, passionate romantics, as well as those who enjoy a good story, a good laugh, a few tears, and a happy ending.

How do you rate your experience with your publisher?

My experience with my publisher is not so bad. Being a new entrant in publishing industry I was inexperienced, otherwise my book would have been come in a better way.  

I promoted my book through social media excellently. But due to poor distribution of my book it’s being prevented to be that much famous as I think it should be.

Who are all the persons who you think have contributed to the book directly or indirectly?

The direct contributor in this book is my mother and the rest of my family. Their belief in me and support has made this book possible.  

Indirect contributor is the guy I loved most in my life, the way he insulted me, tried to make me feel small and inferior; encouraged me to prove my own identity. My key skill is to think creatively and I just worked on that.

Who are your favourite authors? What kind of books you read?

I love Fantasy Fictions, Occult Science related books and Poetry also. I usually read less known authors and budding writers.  

How do you manage to find time for writing from your busy schedule?

I wrote ‘Princess Of Falcons’ during completion of my Law degree. Those days were no so hectic. But now days I hardly get time to work on my new writing projects. Still I’ll be completing my current projects very soon. I know my dreams won’t let me sleep so easily.

Is there any work of literature especially any fiction novel that you would like to rewrite? If so, why?

‘Twilight’ is my all time favorite fantasy. I really love Edward’s character. I have watched all the Twilight series movies countless times, just to watch Robert Pattison playing the role of Edward. It’s my greatest dream to write a Vampire Fiction in which Robert Pattison plays the role of Hero.

If I get a chance I’ll rewrite Twilight and will give more depth and strength to Edward’s character. I want to make him some more aggressive, which suits to a Vampire.

Tell us something about your upcoming book “Astral Projection- an Out of Body Experience”…

Five years back I was at the ebb of my life; things were going from bad to worse. For restoring my mental peace I took recourse to meditation. In those days I came across an entirely new concept for me, that was astral projection and out of body experience.

Astral Projection or Out-of-body experience is a process through which our consciousness leaves our physical body and is free to travel anywhere, unrestricted by our normal physical boundaries.

After completing my début novel “Princess Of Falcons” the first writing project came into my mind was to share my knowledge and experience to this world about “Out of body experience and Lucid dreaming.”

This book is the result of my five years of extreme research, study and personal practice of the Astral Projection phenomenon. As a beginner all of the obstacles and problems that I had faced I have tried to protect future practitioners from them in this book. This book is with a completely pragmatic approach, not prescribed for light reading as it contains no speculations or stories, rather contains only dry, hard facts.  

I read so many books on this subject but most of the authors made me disappointed. Some books provided a deep philosophical theory of Astral Projection but lacking practical use. Books having some practical applications lacked logical theory. Some books to my disappointment were containing case study after case study a series of good and intriguing stories about Astral Projection.

I longed for still more. I being an author finally after going into depth of this concept decided to write on this topic in a very simple language and with user friendly approach. This guidebook is having the potential to let anyone, regardless of spiritual or metaphysical training, to achieve a conscious out of body experience and avail its benefits.

Any message for Spectralhues readers…

It is my privilege to be interviewed by spectralhues. I only want to say that ‘Chase your dreams, Work on your true strength – Success will chase you naturally.’

Thank you Himani for your time. Wish you all the best for your future works.

That was Himani Vashishta! Spectralhues is wishing this young author all the very best for her future endeavors.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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