5 ways to take care of the skin during quarantine

This period of quarantine is giving a tough time to everyone around India. Keeping mental stability is becoming difficult day by day. But as it is rightly said,”Everything happens for our own good.” This quarantine you can engage yourself in various activities like exercising, cooking, painting, sketching, writing, and many other stuff. Amidst spending time with your family you can even take care of your health and fitness.

While staying indoors many things can be done regarding taking care of self. Not only staying fit but keeping your skin healthy is also important. Quarantine is the only time when you can stay at your home without being exposed to the Sun. Let’s take a look on how you can take care of your skin in this quarantine.

  1. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER:- Drinking water is good for the body metabolism. Drinking plenty of water reduces acne and makes the skin clear and healthy. Water flushes out the toxins in our body, thus makes the skin to glow.


  1. PROPER SLEEP:- Is your sleep cycle disturbed? Do you feel your skin is becoming dull day by day? Then get back to a proper sleep cycle. 6-7 hours of sleep keeps the skin fresh and active.


  1. WASH YOURSELF TWICE A DAY:- How many times do you touch your skin? Is your skin becoming dark? The sole reason for this is your touch. Wash your body at least twice a day to stay away from germs. The more you wash, the better your skin will become.


  1. FACE AND BODY CARE:- When we talk about skin, people will first look at your face. Wash your face regularly and apply a mask of coffee, lemon and honey. This increases the skin tone as well as makes the skin healthier. On hands and legs apply moisturizer. They work really well.


  1. EAT LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEGGIES:- Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and antioxidants which are really good for the skin. To make it more specific eat more tomatoes, carrots and guavas. These improve the skin tone and make the skin healthy.


Stay healthy and happy in this quarantine and make the most out of it..!


[image courtesy: Google]

Arunima Purohit

About Arunima Purohit

I am an introvert by nature. I love cricket and aspire to become a sports journalist. I love an adventurous life and am a travel freak as well.


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