It’s a story of a goofed up person, sailing through a goofed up life: Stutee Nag

Stutee Nag, an MTV Splitsvilla contestant and author of an upcoming novel, interacted with Spectralhues about her journey in the reality tv show, her book and a lot more.

Stutee- welcome to Most people know you as an MTV Splitsvilla Season 2 contestant. But tell us who Stutee is beyond that.
DSC03591Well, I am glad that you asked me this. Ever since the show happened, there has been a ‘real’ me and then there has been a perception of me. And every now and then I come face to face with that perception… and honestly, it’s a little irksome when people think they know you – WHEN THEY REALLY DON’T.

Because beyond that perception, lives a simple goofy girl who gets just as excited, happy or hurt as any other person. Who reads her horoscope as the clock strikes twelve, who is perpetually broke, who wants to steal an extra minute of sleep every morning before she runs late for office, who loves Maggie…

Well, I could go on but I think you get the picture.

You were a tough competitor in the show and one among the top three girl finalists of your season. How was your experience on the show?
Quite frankly, I believed from the bottom of my heart that the first person to be evicted from the show would be me. I mean you should have looked at me, in a world of skinny people, I was a hearty fifty seven kgs and bloody merry about it. But I think that is exactly what worked in my favour and I lasted much longer than I had imagined.

Rest, I loved being on the show. It was exhilaration redefined. I never intended to join the showbiz or anything of that sort. My idea was to have fun (yes, I am crazy like that) and I had a lot of fun.


Stutee, you have authored a book ‘Tanu Lost Track’ which is due to release soon. Tell us something about this upcoming title of yours?
Front Cover of Stutee's bookIn short it’s a story of a goofed up person, sailing through a goofed up life…

Introspecting? Yes.

Apologising? No

What went into writing the book? Was it an easy task for you?
This is my debut novel and I am nervous as shit. I started writing it when I was all of eighteen. A lot of things changed since. I can’t tell you the number of drafts that I wrote and re-wrote until (fortunately enough) Petals Publishers came along and I finally put an end to it and took the big plunge.

Left to me, I would have kept writing and re-writing the same thing over and over and over again, until I was finally convinced that I had done a satisfying job.

I don’t know whether it is the appropriate thing to say but honestly I have my own doubts about the novel. Not whether it will be well received or not? But whether, once it is out there, if I will still love it?

What inspired the story of your book, and is it, in any way, influenced by your personal life experiences?
Stutee NagIt’s not like one day I got up and announced, ‘Okay I am gonna write a novel today.’ So I can’t really say what inspired me. I was writing all along. The novel was just a compilation of my otherwise scattered work. It is loosely based on my own experiences but characters and incidents are mostly fictional.

Did you always aspire to be a writer?

How do reality TV shows change lives of the contestants?
It did not change me even by a bit. I am still the same nutjob that I was earlier. But, my life, went for a flip and I am not even sure if it has finally stopped flipping.

Like I said, people ‘know’ you before they actually know you and that part sucks!

Rest, if you don’t let it get to your head, it’s all sorted.

What is your way of looking at love and life?
It’s REALLY, REALLY bizarre.

In the journey of life, many lose their track and get baffled. How according to you, can such people get back on track?
You are asking me?

Good one!

Lastly Stutee, what would you say to readers-at-large?
It is not the best novel. I am not even going to make that pitch. But it is an honest attempt at doing something that I truly love. And I hope readers see that more than anything else.

So, that was Stutee Nag, who always aspired to be an author, and her first full-fledged novel is due to release in February this year. We at Spectralhues, wish Stutee best wishes for her upcoming novel and good luck for all her future endeavors!

Suyash Karangutkar

About Suyash Karangutkar

Suyash Karangutkar is a young, dedicated and an enthusiastic journalist who has a deep interest in National and International Affairs. He is an ardent political spectator who finds politics fascinating. At Spectralhues, he heads the Mumbai team and covers National Affairs & Politics. He also occasionally writes columns for Spectralhues. He can be followed on Twitter @columnistsuyash


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